Thumbs up to SunRider

The Sunrider 6,2, a solar-powered pontoon boat by Navgathi Marine Design & Constructions Pvt. Ltd., has received a hearty endorsement from Malcom Moss, president of the Electric Boat Association UK. The 10-passenger craft, currently undergoing trials in India, gave Moss a taste of its charms during a trip on the river. Powered by two Torqeedo electric motors, the environmentally friendly vessel beat expectations by powering its way a shade over six knots while going against the current. After the ride Mr. Moss said of the Sunrider, “This boat is competent in performance, efficiency, style and finish.”

To supply its batteries with electricity, the boat sports five solar panels capable of generating 900 watts. The hulls were designed with the aid of the latest software and are shaped to provide a compromise between carrying capacity and speed. The solar boat is meant as the first in a series of such craft. The company is also working on a fast four-person design as well as 20- and 40-passenger vessels. With its launch scheduled a little later this month, you can track their progress on their blog. Hit the jump for a couple videos of solar-powered pontoons in action.

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