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SunCRZ 22

[box]10 Passenger Solar Boat[/box] SunCRZ 22 is the first boat that we have launched in our series of solar boats of capacities ranging from 4 to 20 passengers (4, 6, 10, 20). The larger ones come in the solar ferries segment. Solar boats are pollution free (noise, air, water) and in the current context makes […]

SunCRZ 9

[box]4 Passenger Solar Boat[/box] Solar boats are completely eco-friendly being pollution free of air, water and noise. Navgathi has been designing and building solar boats since 2008. SunCRZ 9 is the smallest in our solar boat series of capacities ranging from 4 to 20 passengers (4, 10, 20). The larger ones come in the solar […]

With Batterry

[box] Introduction[/box] Solar energy possible with other renewable energy can be used to power the requirements of home as well as office. This use of free power can not only improve the green credentials but also make economic sense as the cost of power is constantly increasing. There are different kinds of systems possible – […]