Solar Ferries

[box]Introduction[/box] Having realized the potential of solar boats for cruise purpose, it was only natural to extend the same to ferries and other vessels that needs much higher endurance and performance. To buttress our capability we have tied up with a leading solar ferry builder from Europe and have launched the various models outlined below. […]

CS01-Solar Fishing Boat

Executive Summary Navgathi embarked on a challenging task of converting a 32 ft fishing boat, locally referred to as “Pillana” in Gujarat. The challenges were numerous – stability, system design, powering, and economic feasibility. Solving all those require multiple iterations in the design stage and two during actual execution. The boat, after conversion, currently referred […]

SunCRZ 22

[box]10 Passenger Solar Boat[/box] SunCRZ 22 is the first boat that we have launched in our series of solar boats of capacities ranging from 4 to 20 passengers (4, 6, 10, 20). The larger ones come in the solar ferries segment. Solar boats are pollution free (noise, air, water) and in the current context makes […]