Finite Elemental Analysis (C008)


The workshop of Design using FEA, eight in the training series, in Kochi was successfully completed with participants from industry and academia. Some of the representatives include scientists from NPOL and research scholar from College of Engineering Trivandrum.


What will Eiffel Tower look like if we used finite element method to redesign it ?
Humans have been designing and building fascinating things even before the development of the finite element method.  To give one example, Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier laid out the structural design of the Eiffel Tower in 1889 much before the development of the finite element method as a field in 1947.

The idea of this course is to provide a fresh perspective on engineering design using finite element method.


In a nutshell, the course will help the participant answer the following questions

  • Why learn finite element method ?
  • How to apply FEM to design structures ?
  • What is the FEA checklist ?
  • How to verify the results of the FEA ?


The course will explain the key ingredients in the design of structures using FEM using a set of case studies.
It is a hands on course. The participants will do the following

  • Build models
  • Analyse them
  • Validate the results


A two (2) day interactive seminar aimed at engineers and designes to understand the basics of finite elemental analysis (FEA) to enable them in the design of structures. This is purely industry oriented program with lots of practical information and case studies inbuilt in it.

Date: Mar 22-23, 2012

[box]Who should attend?[/box]

Engineer, designers, working in the design of structures in marine, automotive, construction, heavy equipment, energy and other engineering industry.

[box]Expert Tutor[/box]

Dhanushkodi is the CEO of TechPassion. He holds a B-Tech in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technolofy (IIT Madras) and Masters in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Before founding TechPassion he was Research Engineer at General Electric Research Center.

[box]Venue & Details[/box]

Venue: Training Center, Navgathi Office, Kalamassery, Kochi
Registration Fee: Rs. 7,500 (Industry participants), Rs. 5,000 (Students)
Above fee inclusive of lunch and tea
Registration fee, for confirmed participation, is to be payable as a cheque or DD in favor of “Navgathi Marine Design & Constructions Pvt. Ltd.”, payable at Kochi and send to the office

Alice Jose

T: 0484-6492607
M: 08943213721
F: 0484-2543609

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