New Ambulance Boats in FloatAmb50 series launched

Navgathi launched two more ambulance boats in Nandurbar district of Maharashtra. FloatAmb50 made its introduction in December 2015 and made big waves in the state. The 50 foot twin-screw vessel is made of marine grade steel with design speed of 15 knots and can be used for rescue operations as well.

Designed under MMB rules FloatAmb50 series has the accommodation facilities for 5 persons and is air-conditioned for passenger comfort. The water ambulance has all the basic and necessary equipment and medical devices for first aid. With these three steel ambulance cum rescue boat introduced by Public Health Department the long wait of completely isolated community in waterlogged areas of Nandurbar comes to an end.

A trip to ‘Paniyeli Poru’
Navgathi nominated as Govt. approved KIV consultant