Pre-Purchase & Delivery

[box]Pre-Purchase Inspections[/box]

We offer our value added services in pre-purchase inspection of ships resulting in a detailed technical report based on a thorough inspection of the vessel and equipments by professionals. This technical report is a valuable asset for a buyer to asses the commercial value of the vessel both in terms of future earning potential as well as maintenance costs.

The quality of the report in terms of the extend of data has to some extend, the cooperation extended by the seller of the vessel, which need to be secured by the buyer.

Our standard document consists of the following sections:

  • Design
  • Construction
  • Special features
  • Maintenance status
  • Performance and consumption
  • Management and crew
  • General Comments
  • Vessel status
  • Logbooks examined
  • Principal particulars
  • Dimensions and capacities
  • Certificate & Documents
  • Certificates Status
  • Classification status
  • Conditions of class / overdue items / memos to owners
  • Summary of Certificates and Documents
  • External Structures and Fittings
  • Cargo Systems
  • Navigation and Communication Systems
  • Anchoring & Mooring Systems
  • Bilge and Ballast Water Systems
  • Main Propulsion and Maneuvering Systems
  • Electrical Generating Systems
  • Electrical Switchboards and Distribution Systems
  • Automation, Alarm and Protection Systems
  • Steam Systems / Boilers / Cargo Related Steam Systems
  • Compressed Air Systems
  • Cooling Systems
  • Waste Disposal and Monitoring Systems
  • Coatings and Cathodic Protection Systems
  • Accommodation Services and Systems
  • Life Saving and Fire Protection
  • Chemicals and Gases
  • Lubricating Oils and Greasing Gases
  • Fuel Oil Systems
  • Other Systems (depending on type of vessel)
  • General Stores
  • Office and Administration Systems
  • Repair Summary

Under each of the section, the various parts/areas are graded from one (1) to nine (9) representing range from unsatisfactory to excellent. In addition zero (0) represents unexamined and X represents “not applicable”.

All the data and conclusions are substantiated by photographs and documents.

[box]Delivery Take-over[/box]

We offer our services to assist in the smooth take-over of vessels both at new shipbuilding stage as well as vessel in operation. These include areas like:

  • Classification Society & Flag State Certificates
  • Drawing and documentation
  • Operating instructions
  • Questionnaires and vessel data (summary)
New Construction
Strategy Consulting