Training series formal launch

Last week saw the formal launch of the Navgathi-TechPassion training series. The first two days were on Vibration – Simulation & Experimentation and the third day was on Programming with Scilab.

On the 4th Aug, Sandith (in pic) formally launched the series with a vision statement and give a sneak on the

 upcoming seminars and workshops. The first would be a four day seminar on Hydraulics and Pneumatics scheduled in third week of September. A Finite Element Analysis workshop is planned towards end October; both of the above in Kochi. This successful workshops on Vibration and Scilab is also planned in Mumbai sometime in November.

The dates for all these events would be announced shortly. We recommend that interested candidates book early since the seats would be limited to twenty five (25) an ideal figure for good interaction. Only in the case of Hydraulics and Pneumatics, it would be limited to fifteen (15) as per the convenience of the expert tutor.

The participants of the two workshops consisted of people from the industry, academia; designers and operating engineers – a diverse group.

263,000 DWT VLOC (NB)
Fundamentals of Fluid Power

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